
Dear reader,

most likely, if this is your first time reading this site, you view the world that you live in as a fragile, dangerous and threatening place and that you are the most insignificant of the insignificant specs of carbon based life on an insignificant spec of dust in a vast and ever expanding cosmos of billions of billions of galaxies containing billions upon billions of star systems under the ever present threat of imminent extinction caused by ne’er do well intelligent alien life, asteroids, comets, ebola, AIDS, nuclear Armageddon, ISIS, cancer or the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to.

In this website one presents a very different model of your current situation for your consideration. The reader is given notice that I have had no medical training, and nothing written here shall be construed as medical advice.

That model is that you live in the middle kingdom on a vast unmoving plain supported on four pillars with the Kingdom of Heaven above the firmament and the Kingdom of Sheol below you.   This middle kingdom was built by Nakhash (called “The Serpent” in the King James Bible) using the design and knowledge provided by his and our creator, Yahavaha.  Yahavaha had already separated the waters above and below the middle kingdom to make Heaven and Sheol.  Yahavaha then created Adam in his own image from the dust of the earth and breathed life into that creation.  He took a piece of Adams body (a rib?) and from this he created Hava (Eve).  Yahavaha made Adam the steward of the Middle Kingdom and did not judge Adam or Hava for the actions they undertook as stewards. There were only two rules: Eat the fruit of the Tree of Life and do not eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. Nakhash, it seems, was very unhappy with being put into second place by Yahavaha.  So unhappy that he beguiled and tricked (coincidentally the Hebrew word for this is NASA) Hava into breaking one of Yahavaha’s laws… quite serious really since that was exactly half of the law of the day. Yahavaha expelled Adam and Hava from Eden, turned Nakhash from the highest heavenly being into a snake and put guards in front of the garden.  Unfortunately, he could not undo the greatest tragedy… for in the act of obeying Nakhash, Adam transferred his sovereignty of the Middle Kingdom to Nakhash.. making Nakhash the Prince of the Earth. Life was pretty miserable for the sons and daughters of Adam for 5,000 years of so.  The Prince of the Earth is a cunning, deceitful, spiteful and embittered creature.. not only that, he built the Middle Kingdom and knows how it works like the back of his hand. This is the part that gets interesting.  About a thousand years ago, the messiah promised in the Torah, the Lamb of Yahavaha, Yeshua or Jesus Christ in English, arrived on the scene to provide access to the creator. When the Lamb was sacrificed, the sons and daughters of Adam were reconciled back to Yahavaha… PROVIDED that those sons and daughters accepted that the sacrifice had occurred on their behalf and provided redemption. And that is where we are today.  Those that accept that the sacrifice has occurred are reconciled to Yahavaha and simply have need to ask for his protection and favour and they shall receive it.  For those who don’t accept that this sacrifice has occurred then Nakhash is still their Prince.

Furthermore, that the existential threats mentioned above simply do not exist… that they are entirely fabricated deceit… and that the only damage that can be done to you is the harm you inflict upon yourself or other spirits when you take action based on the beLIEfs you have as a result of being deceived.

And this above all… you are the most significant aspect of your existence… and one is recommending that you remain sceptical of all “knowledge” which has been “given” to you by our putative authorities.  In otherwords, believe no thing and rely on your own judgement in sorting the wheat from the chaff in the field of ideas.

To support the views expressed above I make the following observations which will alert the reader to significant difference in existential assumptions between myself and that reader.

The first of one’s personal observations is the realisation that our atmosphere, the combination of gases which sustains life on our planet CANNOT  be in direct contact with the “infinite, near perfect vacuum of space” as I have been led to believe.  This means that there cannot be a Copernican style “Solar System” and consequently death by asteroid collision cannot occur.

The second important personal observation that one has made is that The average sea level datum of all parts of “the earth” is not a sphere (nor is it an oblate spheroid) with a radius of 6,370km… approximately.

The third important personal observation is that Natrium, otherwise called sodium chloride or, more commonly called table salt is not, in fact, a deadly poison, but is instead the key nutrient to the maintenance of a long and healthy life.  Salt drives the major processes of the body including, but by no means limited to, breathing (the chloride shift), digestion (hydrochloric acid), prevention of illness (internal alkalinity) and hydration.

The fourth important personal observation is that direct exposure to sunlight is vital to human existence and that sun avoidance increases the risk of premature death, with vitamin D deficiency reaching epidemic proportions in the Anglosphere.

The fifth important personal observation is that the model of illness as being the result of “infections” from virusii and bacteria is incorrect and that illness is caused by malnutrition and from dysfunctional mental processing.  The diseases known as AIDS, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Zika virus, Mad Cow Disease and numerous other “epidemics” are entirely a figment of the imagination.

The sixth important observation is the experiments of Airy, Michelson Morley, Sagnac and Michelson Gale clearly demonstrate that there is an Aether and that the world is not moving in the Aether.  This means that “Einstein’s Theory of Relativity” (both Special and General) is incorrect and therefore E does not equal MC2 and therefore nuclear weapons do not exist.  Further consideration of the absurdity of nuclear weaponry is provided here.

The seventh most important observation is that there is no lack of resources on the earth for mankind.  With only the slightest of behavioural changes, the (alleged) 7 billion people that live on earth today could be comfortably and fashionably housed in luxurious homes and barely make a dent in the wilderness.  It is simply the profligacy of our lives and the mistaken idea that there is insufficient money which creates our modern chaos.

By far the most significant personal observation that one has made is the acceptance of the model that one has been reconciled to Yahavaha (The Creator) by the sacrifice of his only begotten son, combined with a request for guidance, protection and assistance from The Creator results in a most satisfying experience of the living creation.  One’s personal experience that when one asks the Creator for his protection, his assistance or his guidance then it is freely given.  The Creator has been very generous to me and one is grateful.

This website seeks to capture my views on how to develop a healthy body, mind and spirit with the aim of attracting contributions from other people on this fundamental topic and sharing that thinking with anyone and everyone that takes the time to read the site.

The health model is simply that all ill health stems from malnutrition… the lack of something or other.  To obtain nutrients from our food, we must be able to digest the food we eat.  To digest the food we eat, we need to be able to produce enough hydrochloric acid in sufficient quantities to denature most proteins and activate the peptides and enzymes used by the stomach and intestine to digest our food efficiently. Medical text and papers up to 1945 ish pronounced that healthy humans produced about 3 litres of gastric fluid each day with a pH of 1.   The contemporary medical equivalents suggest that typical stomach acid has a pH of 3 or 4.   This implies that the gastric fluids of contemporary “Westerners” are up one thousand times more dilute than the stomach acid levels of their great grandfathers. Gastric fluids with a pH of 1 will dissolve what gets to the stomach far more efficiently that stomach juices at a pH of 4.To produce 3 litres of hydrochloric acid with a pH of 1 requires a minimum of 17 grams of sodium chloride, preferably in the form of sea salt. There is practically no sodium chloride in fresh food and it must be added to food.  So important is sea salt to our diet that the human tongue is specifically designed to detect its presence.

Apart from people living in Japan, most people should supplement their diet with iodine, magnesium, boron and SUNSHINE.

One of the symptoms of being a well-balanced man is to have a fully functioning penis; one that is capable of engaging in sex, reproduction, urination and controlling urine flow.  From this thought comes the title of this blog.

The idea amused the child in me.  If the name of the website offends you, then please feel free to click on another site… I require no explanations of why you are offended and any such explanations will be PROMPTLY deleted.

The site has been laid out with a new tab for each of the models that I am using to navigate the experience that I am told to call “life”.

If you find these notes to be useful, then my job is done.  You are encouraged to leave comments.


With kind regards,

Frank McManus

53 thoughts on “About

  1. Uyguy Yguyg

    Your view on salt in diet is very interesting. From what I understand, the salt deficiency in humans happened mainly because of refrigeration technology and propaganda (anti white?).

    However, can you explain why do you recommend supplementing with magnesium, boron and iodine? What is the cause? Is it mineral deficiency of the soil?



    1. anounceofsaltperday Post author

      Hi Kris. Thanks for your interest.

      Magnesium is required for muscle function among other things. There are very few natural foods which contain magnesium. After chloride and sodium, magnesium is third abundant element in seawater. The need to supplement is mitigated if one uses magnesium rich sea salt. Another simple way to supplement is to bath in Epsom Salts or to take a few drops of magnesium chloride solution in coffee or tea etc. In japan, this solution is called “nigari” and is a very common supplement in that country.

      Iodine is essential for healthy thyroid function. In Japan, daily iodine intake is estimate to be between 1000 and 3000 micrograms per day, while in Australia the median intake is around 150 micrograms per day… lets say ten times less. Australia is considered to be mildly deficient in iodine. I consider this to be gross understatement and know personally of many people that have required medical intervention for thyroid dysfunction including surgery and thyroxine supplementation. In my view, the visual effect of this difference in iodine intake between the two populations is evident by looking at the necks of typical Australian and Japanese middle aged people. My personal experience is that an ever-present “water bottle” under my chin and thickened neck has been eliminated by increasing my iodine intake by having 3 drops of Lugol solution most days. Furthermore, there a many sources of BROMINE in the Australian diet, a substance which is antagonistic to the thyroid and more readily substitutes for iodine with disruptive consequences. This is greatly mitigated by iodine intake at Japanese levels. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3204293/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3204293/
      The presence of boron in contemporary food is said to be lower than that of food from say, the world war 2 era. During my time as an Operations Manager for a larger fertiliser distribution company boron supplementation was a common additive to correct soil deficiencies. There is a strong connection between chemical fertilizer usage and low boron levels in foodstuffs. More importantly, there is high coincidence of arthritis and poor boron intake. My personal experience is that I have no joint problems of any kind.. unlike most of the people I know of my age.
      Please note that I am not a Doctor and none of the above should be considered as medical advice.
      I look forward to your comments.


      1. budweiss

        Hi Frank:
        Thanks again for your research and generous sharing of info.
        I mistakenly replied to Rae West on an earlier note so I did not mention that I have been working with colkeagues around the world for over 25 years teaching breathing retraining ala Konstantin P. Buteyko’s work. our association, The Buteyko Breathing Educators Association formed in 2009 has along with many other conscientious individuals, clinicians, and researchers been promoting Buteyko’s ideas. Dr. Peat http://www.raypeat.com has written more about CO2 in so many aspects than anyone that I am aware of. I have sent him your work and perhaps you may be interested in contact with him. He is very supportive of what you have written. At the age of 80 I have begun now to raise my consumption of Sea salt beginning slowly with an ounce a day = 6 teaspoons as I recon and will stay at thst kevel for 2 days adding 3 Teaspoons every two days toward what I see as your level of consumption of 5 ounces or about 142 grams per day. Since I regularly consume at least aquart of pure pulp free OJ a day and eat other fruits including bananas, I assume that would be safe. What are your thoughts NOT MEDICAL ADVICE of course. I am sending your info out to my colleagues and to my friends on Facebook groups and public. Thank you again, Bud


      2. anounceofsaltperday Post author

        Hi Bud,

        Congratulations on reaching the age of 80 and great to read about your Buteyko work. It was Rae West that alerted me to the “Chloride Shift”, the mechanism by which carbon dioxide is taken away after cell respiration.

        My daily salt consumption is probably hovering around 20 gms per day now, about two thirds of an ounce. I have done a calculation which suggests that 17gms of salt is sufficient to produce 3 litres of gastric juice with a pH of 1. Gastric juice of this type is highly effective in digesting food. The Israeli defence forces mandate between 15 and 16 grams per day (half an ounce) and the recent medical head of the UK health system suggested that 16gms per day was the “sweetspot” as he retired from the job.

        At your stage of life I wouldn’t see any reason to make such dramatic changes in salt consumption as you are suggesting. You obviously have reasonable habits already to become an octogenarian .

        In my view, salt should be that delightful pleasurable seasoning on well prepared natural food, there is no need to turn it into a chore.

        Of course, I am not a doctor, and nothing that I have typed should be construed as medical advice.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. budweiss

        Thanks so much for your detailed timely responses. I was totally incorrect in conversions values as Due to not having slept much the past week taking care of my wife, i hugely miscalculated. I’ll slowly be building toward your 17 grams
        beginning with 1 Teaspoon a day for 3-5 days spread out in food and increasing 1/2 Teaspoon each 3-5 days moving toward your 3 1/2 teaspoons gradually checking BP and other parameters while consuming my usual oj and fruits and cooked greens and other goodies. I’m 6’5” a bit overweight at 250 lbs and beginning to work out now having not enough good exercise for a couple years due to really bad knees to be replaced in the fall.
        Really loving your work and sharing it all over the place.
        I’ll report back about my progress. Mu website should be up and running again in a bit at http://www.buteykonyc.com


  2. Uyguy Yguyg

    I did some research and it turns out that hypothesis about deficient soil is probable. In the website below they say that “Most fertilizers applied on large agricultural operations include only nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and, at best, a small handful of other minerals”.

    On the website that you linked I have found one suspicious sentence “Chemical fertilizers inhibit the uptake of Boron from the soil”. That website endorses so called “organic/raw/unprocessed movement” which is highly questionable. You can read about it from the other point of view(links below). They probably add to fertilizers just enough boron and other elements to allow plants to grow and nothing above that.

    That website (biblelife) is interesting because it exposes vegan/vegetarian movement and the government propagated fear of saturated fats and cholesterol. This is in my opinion really important issue. Diet high in carbohydrates of ANY type will ruin human health.

    From my childhood, I had a terrible allergy. At the beginning it was food allergy with rash, later it transformed into a pollen allergy with swollen eyes, sneezing, runny nose. Standard antihistamine treatment and desensitization treatment with vaccines didn’t help much. However when I switched to low carbohydrate diet, high in animal products it really made a difference. Later I have found http://www.big-lies.org/ and read your article about salt (Now I can’t find it anymore but there is a video). After increasing salt intake my allergy is basically gone. There are only mild symptoms from time to time.

    It is notable to point out that authors of http://cheflynda.com and http://www.biblelife.org endorse paleo-eating movement. On both sites I have found information that sodium chloride is bad for health. It looks like paleo-diet is in line with the science today to eschew salt. They say probably that supposed paleolithic ancestors didn’t waste time to mine salt :).

    I agree that supplementing with iodine may be important. Governments of the world advocated to add little iodine to salt. However the main reason was to address the prevalence of Goitre. Added iodine may not be enough. Maybe, if plants were sown near the seashore they could accumulate enough iodine.

    So in summary it really may be expedient to supplement with magnesium, boron and iodine as you stated at the beginning. Another interesting thing about boron is that it can detoxify body from fluoride as stated in this article.
    Fluoride is toxic and it is added to water and most toothpastes. This is an interesting connection.

    PS: I also believe that the earth is flat and about several thousand years. The dinosaurs are fake and the powers that be are keeping the lid on the existence of giants and hiding their bones. My observations leaded me to think that we are living during/after sixth trumpet/plague and that the knowing of truth and doing the will of God is not by the will of man but of God.

    Regards Kris


    1. anounceofsaltperday Post author

      Kris it seems that our thinking is closely aligned. However, I do my best to avoid “believing” anything, as I think belief is irrational. I didn’t discuss fluoride that much in this website but you have prompted me to make the following points. The affinity of fluoride to participate in the bodily functions that should be using chloride is at least one order of magnitude higher.. perhaps more than one order of magnitude. When fluoride does act in these processes it causes dysfunction. Higher levels of chloride intake (through salt) mitigates this impact. Secondly, the toxicity of fluoride is acknowledged by the Lancet. Authorities suggest that a low level in drinking water is a “controlled dose”. This is clearly NEWSPEAK, as the amount of water that people take is uncontrolled as is the food which is grown with fluoridated water. I appreciate your discussion.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. budweiss

        HI AGAIN Frank:
        I am also one of the early dissidents in AIDS who developed Rethinking AIDS. Our website was discontinued as the web master appears to have died and was not in touch during his sudden illness onset and wasn’t able to notify us. Roberto Giraldo, MD, Michael Ellner both passed this last year leaving me and one other person from HEAL NYC still around. Our larger website http://www.virusmyth.com continues as does the extensive web site of our highly awarded colleague in England, videographer Joan Shenton http://www.immunity.org.uk/ it’s been 36 years fighting for the truth to be revealed about this, one of the longest lasting most egregious medical scams in history other than cancer and vaccinations which mist of us have been active in fighting the mainstream’s positions hugely backed by big pharma and originally by the partnership of Rockefeller and Carnegie who set back real medical advancement forever. So few are willing to look at these issues without jaundiced snd prejudiced thinking. Of course I’m talking to the choir here. Thanks again for all. You are not alone and you are a blessing to all of us.


      2. anounceofsaltperday Post author

        I can only doff my cap to you for your wonderful efforts. I am blessed to have come into contact with you. It is almost certainly the work that you have done that brought me to the realisation that AIDS is fraudulent nonsense. By the way, I have the same view of cancer, but that is another story. Your work on AIDS has resulted in personal freedom…. a thousand thanks.


      3. budweiss

        Also there are intermittent accidental fluoride dumps that occur accidentally which coincide with significant rises in medical crisis for older populations in particular. Thyroid is particularly effected by the constant fluoride in water and children swallowing the high level fluoride in tooth paste has a long term detriment to their health. One Hispanic child died in a clinic at Brookdale hospital in Brooklyn after fluoride treatment when he swallowed the dose and there was no translator there who could understand the mother’s pleas.


      4. anounceofsaltperday Post author

        My contribution to the discussions on fluoride is simply this. Fluoride is more strongly valent than Chloride. This results in Fluoride displacing Chloride in bodily functions. Without having any other knowledge than this, it is self evident that Fluoride is going to be disruptive to bodily function in a way which way in excess of the dose. Studies in rats and mice have confirmed that maintaining proper salt intake mitigates and even reverses the uptake of fluoride. Iodine, likely to be the key to maintaining proper thyroid function, is not a normal component in salt. When medical authorities realised that iodine was deficient in the general population, iodisation of salt was introduced BECAUSE EVERYONE has salt. But of course, those same authorities are now discouraging salt consumption and, as a consequence, iodine intake has plummeted. Personally, I supplement with 3 drops of Lugol solution most days.


      1. budweiss

        Ray Peat has pointed out some of the fallacies of the paleo and ketogenic diet especially long term. Few of them recognize the vital importance of gelatin and organ meats, nor dovtgey realize the importance of cooking greens well and well cooked mushrooms and bamboo shoots let alone staying particularly away from even the tiniest of grains which for many people is truly toxic due to the bacteria in the gut that feed only on grains and send out endotoxins when they consume the grains. carrot salad made of shredded raw organic carrot, and a small amount of coconut oil and white organic vinegar and sea salt regularly along with the well cooked mushrooms and bamboo shoots and perhaps some Florophage can control them.
        My friend and colleague Misha Sakharoff has asdisted people with his highly disciplined Buteyko approach using the restricted intermittent fasting ketogenic diet (stressing gelatin too) with his special additions and has a few persons who have recovered from competently medically diagnosed late stage glioblastoma and many in the recovery phase. Also several other serious conditions successfully addressed. I have told him about your work too.


      2. anounceofsaltperday Post author

        Once, I can only concur fully. I have a diet rich in saturated animal fats, butter, coconut fat and some olive oil.. NO SEED OILS. Liverwurst is a regular part of my diet. When I was a child it was quite expensive, but now it is cheap. Obviously not as popular as it once was… I really enjoy it. As for salty food, what else can I type except “Food without salt is like sex without sin!”


      3. budweiss

        I would like to share your website with many hundreds of folks and for some reason, the only place i can find your extensive notes about salt is on a site held by Rae West with your interview by him and his comments above your extensive notes.
        Can you please let me know your website address where we may find all your salt works 😉
        Thanks again for all. Bud


      4. anounceofsaltperday Post author

        this website/blog is the only one I maintain Bud. The page I wrote for Rae West’s site was my first published musings on the topic of salt. Rae took it down for a while because he disagrees with me on matters biblical.


    2. budweiss

      hey Kris:
      great stuff. retraining your breathing to breathe kess toward normal breathing of about 6 liters of air per minute thus conserving CO2 will help a lot as well. here’s awonky interview about the biology if CO2 from 2010 https://youtu.be/_4myfve_Hxk
      between my intimidated self and my mentor in physiology, and much more, Dr. Ray Peat http://www.raypeat.com whose work is followed vigorously by many people across the globe. Ray is one of the most generous and brilliant renaissance men on this planet


  3. Uyguy Yguyg

    The toxicity about added fluoride to water/toothpaste may be highly exaggerated. When you do a quick search in Google, one can find that it is really over-hyped and all over the place. It may be even an object of controlled/fake conspiracy theories. I think that chemtrails are one.

    I want to rise another topic. I remember, that you stated that by eating more salt your eyesight has improved. I assume that it was presbyopia, when someone needs plus lenses for reading/close work. How long did it take to improve? What was initial condition (diopters in glasses)? I think you said, that when someone is eating more salt the blood gets more diluted and it can reach tiny vessels. The standard theory of getting presbyopia is that lenses in eyes are hardening and they can’t be contracted by eye muscles(ciliary muscle).

    I ask, because about four years ago, I started to question standard treatment for eyesight problems. Back then I was wearing glasses -3D left eye and -4.75D right eye and -1.5CYL on both lens (myopia). However the total refractive error was probably worse (more of about -0.5D). Up to this day, I managed to reverse to a refractive error of -1.75D left eye and -3.5D right eye(measuring distance from eye to object when it starts blurring).
    There are not very much information about this topic on the Internet. The sites below are the examples.
    with forum section rehabilitation

    Basically the process of getting the refractive error(changing shape of an eye) is a mystery. It is however greatly facilitated by spending a lot of time reading/close work. However some people seem not to be affected much by this. I work in a scientific electrical engineering department which involves a lot of close work (e.g. soldering, reading/writing articles/project reports) and a lot of people don’t wear glasses.
    In Asia for example, high percentage of people wear glasses so medical community says it is genetic. However most fail to notice that their alphabet is much harder to learn and learning requires long hours of close starring at young age.

    To reverse a refractive error (theory from sites that I linked), one has to “work on a blur”. Person has to learn how to sharpen blurred images when he is looking close or far. Additional lenses help to bring this horizon to desirable distances. This process causes a little inflammation in the eye which is healing overtime (after waking up).
    This method has worked for me so far, however this healing process is really slow, about 0.75D to 0.25D per year. I am looking forward to discover whether eating more salt can somehow speed this up. I started to increase my salt intake recently. I forgot to mention that this eyesight business is really high profit.

    PS: I accidentally double posted previous reply. You can delete it.



    1. anounceofsaltperday Post author

      My model is that the maintenance of human capability requires regular and often vigorous exercises… use it or lose it. To maintain the body so that it is capable of exercise we need prayer, sunshine and nourishment. We need nourishment because exercise actually “injures” muscle with a series of microtears that are then healed by the properly nourished body via bloodflow.
      My view is that the functionality of the eyes is no different to any other muscular system in our bodies… they need exercise and nourishment. My exercises of choice are ball sports like badminton and table tennis etc, and by sungazing, reading in bright light and by moving around at night without lights. To maintain suitable blood flow to the capillary systems I ingest sea salt in excess of 17gms per day. The reasoning behind this is that higher salt intake will result in higher useful water content, thinner blood, higher blood bicarbonate levels, high chloride shift capability and better nutrition from properly digested food intake.
      At the age of 50 I was needing to wear glasses with 1.5 to 2 dioptre to read a menu or a newspaper. Now I don’t use glasses at all and I can read 6pt letters in bright light. In low light levels, I struggle a little. My eyesight continues to improve.


    2. budweiss

      Hey Kris:
      Check out Meier Schneider’s work http://self-healing.org/
      He has been awarded many times for his work re eyesight and many other serious conditions including stopping the progression of many serious neurological conditions and reversing them in many instances.


  4. Kris

    Hello. It’s me again.
    I have read more about health model, development of diseases and history in general. You have probably already heard about Pasteur and Bechamp. Back then, medical community have adopted this Germ Theory model. If one accepts Bechamp’s theory of disease, then it is really shocking what they are doing in hospitals these days.

    I have recently come across this New Chronology thing. With me, it started back in school, when I learned about the ancient and medieval China. If they were so powerful and innovative as portrayed, why didn’t they conquer the entire medieval world? The history of Great Wall of China sounds suspicious. The main purpose was to protect people from nomadic invaders. However, how could they achieve it over such a long distance?
    These nomads could just set a ladder when guards were not present. There is also a problem, because at that time there were giants in the world. My current opinion is that the ancient and medieval China didn’t exist and Great Wall is quite recent.

    What is your opinion about history? I am mainly interested in a time period after Christ. In the introduction you have written that Christ came about 1000 years ago.



    1. anounceofsaltperday Post author

      I agree with you that the given story of the Great Wall of China is nonsensical. In my childhood, it was described as “the only man made object that can be seen from the moon”… but this fable appears to have gone the way of the Dodo. The current historical narrative is said to have originated with Scaliger and once that card is shaken the house of history falls with little resistance. I can personally testify to numerous examples of invention such as the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand, Albert Einstein, atomic bombs etc etc etc. The model which i think is the most useful is that one thousand years of Scaligerian history was entirely fabricated and that Armageddon took place around the time of the destruction of the temple by “the Romans”. This is evidenced by many buried ruins, such as “ancient Rome” itself.. buried under 30′ of rock and soil that was “just allowed to build up” by the contemporary citizens. I think the Armageddon was followed by a millenium of Christ’s rule and that we are now in the time when “Satan has been loosed for a bit”


    2. claire3gen

      Hi Frank, thanks for all the helpful info about salt, fat and nutrition, I agree and have seen a marked turnaround for good after entirely eliminating processed foods, carbohydrates and even fruits and vegetables due to trying to heal my body from severe illness. That’s when I embraced the Carnivore diet high in fat and protein. I have now introduced higher salt levels to see further improvements I hope, as your understanding of how the human body works makes complete sense to me. I also agree with you regarding the times we live in where ‘Satan has been released for a little while’, and the preceding Scriptures to Revelation 20:8 having already happened. I have been doing a long study on the book of Revelation and would be interested to know if you have done any writings about the 1000 years of Christ reigning with the saints on thrones? Do you think it was an earthly reign or heavenly?


      1. anounceofsaltperday Post author

        Thank you for the comments on your own dietary experiences Claire, I think such comments are extraordinarily helpful for other readers.

        With regard to the millenial reign, I think the reign was earthly. In fact, my interpretation of the bible is that Jesus Christ is still here and remains as our actual king, providing remedy to all those that behave as if what he said is true. Moreover, those that are alive today are the reincarnation of those that were not part of the first resurrection as written “And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. ”

        In other words, those of us that “did not get it” when Jesus Christ returned are being given another opportunity to work it out. This time of deception that we are going through has parallels with the experiences of Job. To support my views, I can only give testimony to the stunning turnaround in my journey through the “world” since I commenced the practice of reciting the prayer as recorded in Luke 11, usually called the Lord’s Prayer.


      2. claire3gen

        Thankyou for your reply. Your interpretation regarding reincarnation, which I have never thought of, is most interesting. I think the 1st century believers were raised at the first resurrection around AD70 to rule and reign with Christ. And it seems to me Revelation 20 is sequential, so after 1000 years passed ‘the rest of the dead” were raised. (perhaps a literal 1000 years)

        1.do you think they are the ones who have been sent back to earth around the time Satan was loosed for a little while? Could you explain a little more of how you see this took place please?
        2.Do you believe we are the first generation ever reincarnated? And what has convinced you that people were sent back to earth for a second chance? Prior to this the dead were held in Hades awaiting resurrection and judgement.
        3.Do you believe the kingdom of Tartaria and the amazing architectural cathedrals were built by the saints during Christs millennial reign on earth?
        4. Do you believe the orphan trains were those people who came to earth again reincarnated?
        So many questions sorry, but I am interested in all things to do with Christ and His word.
        5. Do you recite the Lords prayer as a meditation, or do you mean you have grasped it’s meaning when you pray it?
        Many thanks


      3. anounceofsaltperday Post author

        Hi Claire,
        I will preface my reply by advising you that I strive to avoid believing anything. I came to conclusion that the received texts are the most accurate description of where I am and why I am here simply because it is the only written text that describes the earth as being unmoving, pressed out like clay under a seal and with the firmament stretched out like a tent over the earth. Since I assume, like everyone else does whether they realise it or not, that the earth is flat and unmoving for all practical purposes, and since I have established that it is NOT possible to have an atmosphere and be surrounded by a near infinite, near perfect vacuum, then I have continued to keep testing the models presented in the bible. I have been unable to find any falsehood in the bible so far. On that basis, all of the responses I give to your questions are based on the assumption that the book of Revelation is correct in its history and its prophecy.
        My reading of the bible is that those that took part in the first resurrection must still be alive, as they have eternal life. They may now be residing in the Heavenly Jerusalem above or they may be here on the “middle kingdom”. That the great palaces of the “golden age” didn’t have toilets is one of the facts that led me to the idea that perhaps these people did not eat and defecate. I do think it is these people are those that built the great buildings and cities around the world prior to 1776. I think one consistent view is that those that took part in the first resurrection were “raptured” around 1776 when Satan was loosed.
        At that same time, a number of those that had NOT taken part in the first resurrection were then resurrected. The offspring of these people house the spirits of others that did not take part in first resurrection. I think that is consistent with the bible that I, and all people alive today, have been resurrected in this manner. This is also consistent with the Hebrew idea of “the Guf of souls” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guf#:~:text=According%20to%20Jewish%20mythology%2C%20in,that%20comes%20into%20his%20hand.
        One possibility is that the orphaned children were left behind by raptured parents. This would only be true if those that took part in the first resurrection were having children either during the millennial reign or at the end of it. I think this is more likely than the sudden arrival of children. Or it could be that those resurrected at the end of the thousand years had plenty of children but no means to support them. There is also evidence of “incubator babies”. I continue to seek out data on this topic and I take plenty of interest in youtube sites like Conspiracies are Us, UAP, Mud Flood Was Armageddon and several others.
        The logic that has me pursuing this model is that I think it answers several riddles. For example, if Christ has been crucified and has not returned to destroy the Roman Empire, then how had the entire world come under Christian rule by 1800? Why would the Romans been motivated to adopt Christianity? If we assume that the Romans simply coopted a movement, then why did they allow the bible to remain in existence and why was the legal remedy for all legal woes found in that same bible? If the bible is simply a book used by the Romans to obtain compliance from its adherents, then why is there such a strong effort to undermine it now? Why is the bible so detailed and accurate in its description of our existence?
        Finally, I do recite the Lord’s Prayer many, many times. At first I was regularly mentally distracted before I completed the prayer and would metaphysically wrench myself back to concentrate and complete the prayer fully as a way of testifying to the Heavenly Father that he is the one to who I owe everything. I continue this practice, not often “out loud”, but rather thinking it. I also ask the Heavenly Father for guidance and I give thanks to Jesus Christ for his sacrifice and the protection he has provided to me through his continued Kingship on earth.
        I greatly appreciate your interest in this topic and I pray that my response does you no harm.

        Sincerely, Frank


      4. claire3gen

        Hi Frank,
        you’ve certainly given me plenty of food for thought, thankyou. And thanks for your kind prayer at the end of your email. The flat earth theory is still new to me so I have much to look into yet. A couple more questions, I hope you don’t mind?
        1. Do you think that Hades and Death have already been done away with? Rev 20v14
        2. When anyone dies today, do you think they go immediately to be with God to be judged, and if not found worthy to be reincarnated on earth?
        3. What happened in 1776 to make you think that’s when Satan was released?

        I will look at those websites you mentioned, thanks.

        God bless
        Claire (NZ)


      5. anounceofsaltperday Post author

        The question about Hades and Death is an excellent one. I held my mother in my arms when she passed and was holding the hand of an Aunt when she passed. In short I have witnessed death. Revelation clearly states that the final judgement does not take place until after the battle of Gog and Magog. On this basis, I conclude that the Bible indicates that Hades/Sheol must still be in place and those spirits that are written in the book of life are there “resting in peace until the Day of Judgment. To me, this indicates that the spirit of those that die now rest in Sheol until that Day. Furthermore, it seems that those spirits will be given a third chance to ask Jesus Christ to stand in for them before the Heavenly Father. This is clearly an important issue and my comprehension of this topic will need detailed scrutiny. With regard to the effect of Judgment, I suggest that this simply means that those spirits that do not choose an eternal life with the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ as their King will simply vanish, while those that choose eternal life will receive it.

        1776 was the year that the first “country” that was to be ruled without a King appointed by the Heavenly Father was ‘created”.


      6. claire3gen

        Thankyou for your answers to my questions.
        I too have experienced first hand my mothers death. As we sat together one day she simply lay her head back on the chair and was gone in an instant. She had no illness that we knew of but expressed that she felt extra cold that day. We found out later she suffered a burst aorta.

        After reading carefully through Revelation 20 I find it difficult to see where reincarnation might be interpreted, except by reading much more into the words ‘the second death’. Yet if all people/souls are still held in Sheol/Hades directly after our earthly death, there doesn’t appear to me to be a change to that written.

        Do you see ‘the lake of fire’ as a spiritual concept on earth of rebirth and reincarnation? I am interested to know why you think reincarnation is part of God’s design during this age we live and die.

        The first country USA to declare independence from Britain in 1776 seems like a good thing to most people. Yet you see it as the arrival of Satan’s release?

        Have you considered the Gog and Magog attack on the ‘beloved city’ being the Turks attack on Jerusalem just prior to the Crusades 1099AD? Are you familiar with Daniel Morais writings in his website Revelation Revolution?

        It’s clear to me that much happened in AD70 and that generation, and I praise God that His words are perfectly true and have come to pass just as Jesus said, but Revelation 20 has been a long journey to understand.

        God bless


      7. claire3gen

        I understand Rev:4 to be about those of the first resurrection of souls from the first century who were witnesses for Christ. They were given judgement power with Christ, for a thousand years (which may be longer than a literal 1000 years). I see this power given them was in heaven, affecting the earth, as they ruled over nations. Rev:5a seems to me to be speaking of unbelievers not resurrected until the thousand years were complete. Which may be referring to the great white throne judgement happening after Satan is cast into the lake of fire, or they were judged at the same time as Satan’s release. I think because we inherit a heavenly kingdom that we are to pray for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.


      8. anounceofsaltperday Post author

        In your earlier question you typed “I find it difficult to see where reincarnation might be interpreted, except by reading much more into the words ‘the second death’. Yet if all people/souls are still held in Sheol/Hades directly after our earthly death, there doesn’t appear to me to be a change to that written.” In this latest response you are agreeing that unbelievers are resurrected after the thousand years is complete. It is, in my view, this group of unbelievers that are resurrected with each child born until the battle of Gog and Magog.


      9. claire3gen

        I think I will have to disagree with you on this one. It seems to me there are only two deaths. The first group to be resurrected are told they don’t have to fear the second death for they are resurrected to eternal life. They only experienced one death. But the ‘rest of the dead’ who may include believers, are resurrected whereby if their names are not in the book of life they experience a second death by being cast into the lake of fire.


      10. anounceofsaltperday Post author

        I don’t understand where we are disagreeing. The first group resurrected live forever we agree on that. The “rest of the dead” obviously is entirely made up of those that did not believe… I think that is us. We have another opportunity to work it out. If we don’t, we get cast into the lake of fire and vanish.


      11. claire3gen

        Reincarnation is where I disagree.
        Sorry I didn’t make it clear. I think they were resurrected after the 1000 years either to eternal life in heaven or lake of fire.


      12. claire3gen

        All mankind living on earth since. I think we are not recycled souls but newly created at birth.


  5. Kris

    I haven’t heard about the interpretation you mentioned. My current opinion is that the two Beasts was the kingdom of the Pope and the kingdom of the Muhammad. The Great Babylon is the Vatican city. The middle ages are those 1000 years when Satan is closed. In the book of revelation a 1260 days period is also mentioned. I interpret it as years from middle ages to Renaissance. I strongly believe that Satan was loosed shortly after Great Plague. To the most important events I count:
    – Great Plague as the first plague/trumpet/vial of God
    – establishment of socialism throughout the world, which I believe was the fifth plague
    – WW1 and WW2 as the sixth plague

    I am currently observing natural disasters and evil spirits raging throughout the world. I believe that the world will soon end. The global warming is a cover for last days signs. I have not figured better interpretation of the prophecies.



    1. anounceofsaltperday Post author

      In my world view, most of these “cataclysms” are largely fabricated and blatant Satanic deception to confuse people that the truly beautiful and wondrous place we live is instead hostile and dangerous. I don’t think that there is any global warming.. the climate is driven by solar activity and the correlation between sunspot counts and climate variation has an R squared of 0.8 at least. The level of natural disasters is, as far as I have been able to ascertain, at historical lows. My personal testimony is that from the time I stopped believing anything shown in the “news” is real, and instead started to marvel at the place I inhabit, my life became enjoyable and fulfilling.


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  7. dennis

    Frank could you translate a few of my writings or post and repost them or send them to me, I am a little rough around the edges and apologize for that, it would be a pleasure and I value your correspondence that I am will to leave off any and all topics that you may not choose to communicate about, that’s ok with me, there are many topics and rabid holes to view ponder and enjoy.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Dennis Nicholson

    Hey brother it’s Dennis
    We had great communication a year ago
    Got a question. About salt send me an email amd let’s correspond


    1. anounceofsaltperday Post author

      Hi Dennis, I search my email for “Dennis” correspondence had a nil result. If you want let me know your email then I take up your offer. Alternatively, feel free to put the question here.


  9. Erin

    Hi Frank, I was listening to you on fakeologist yesterday, you mentioned if there were really old trees in Australia, google trees in Tasmania, the west coast of Tasmania has untouched rain forests, you can go out and see it on an old train.


      1. Erin

        From the top of my head without googling, I have heard they have some Huon pine in Tasmania is 2000 years old, I’ve seen the thick moss on the trees deep in the rain forest here and it’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before.


  10. frank040nl

    Hi Frank,

    I heard you talking with Fakeologist about the use of you own urine for the healing of your eyes.

    I have for some time a little conjunctivitus. Does it help for that?

    Are you using some sort of small cup to put over your eye with urine in it?

    Grtz Frank from the Netherlands


    1. anounceofsaltperday Post author

      Hi Frank, obviously I am not a doctor and cannot give medical advice. However, If I was in your situation I would use my own urine to treat my conjunctivitis. I use a small glass with a diameter that closely fits my eye socket. I pee in the glass and bend my head down and allow my eye socket to cover the glass. Then I tilt my head up. I have now gotten into the habit of looking through the urine.

      I have the view that conjunctivitis is largely a problem of dry eyes, which is often resolved by increasing your salt intake. I take at least 15 grams of salt per day in my food and drinks. It might be worth doing this BEFORE you use the urine treatment as a way increasing the amount of bicarbonate in your urine. This is the key factor in the antiseptic effect of urine. However, DO NOT add externally sourced chemical bicarbonate to your urine.

      If you try this, I am sure other readers would be interested in reading your experience.

      Liked by 1 person


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