The Great Unwashed

While I was throwing the ball for our dog on his walk this morning (he has me well trained), I was struck by his shiny clean coat and his vigour and vitality… all achieved WITHOUT the use of soap, detergent, shampoo, deodorants, razor blades, shaving cream, toothbrush, hair dye, hair conditioner, perfumes, creams or lotions.

It has now been several years since i switched to oil pulling and flossing rather than brushing my teeth… this has proved entirely successful… and I have not required dental treatment for several years.  It is now a long time since I used soap, shampoo, hair conditioner or deoderant.  More recently, I have taken to reducing the frequency of showering… in effect I would probably be showering less than weekly.

For deodorant i used bicarbonate of soda.  I also dose my socks with bicarbonate.  In both cases this has been completely successful in the elimination of unpleasant body odour.

I have taken the time to share this with the reader for this simple reason… I have demonstrated that one can mix it with civilised society without the use of “hygiene products”.

It seems logical that the use of these techniques by the great unwashed would result in a very valuable reduction in environmental degradation and a massive improvement in community health.

It makes me smile to think of that future when Unilever just can’t sell a single item and to realise just how much of “work” is utterly without reason.

I would enjoy reading the thoughts of others on this topic…

21 thoughts on “The Great Unwashed

  1. duplika

    I still rememeber when I had dandruff, testing every kind of shampoo until I read about the New German Medicine and discovered it might be related to an active DHS, which hopefully is being solved now.

    Just read all of your articles, thanks for sharing your valuable information Frank.


    1. anounceofsaltperday Post author

      Hi Duplika,

      I greatly appreciate you taking the time to read my website and to comment. I wrote the “great unwashed” page 3 years ago and I can only reiterate my thoughts of that time. I must now be approaching eight years of not using “hygiene” products.

      I can report that I have not required any dental care since 2011 and that I have not brushed my teeth for at least that length of time. One improvement that I have made to this regime is mix bicarbonate into coconut fat to make an underarm deodorant. The very best of British concerning your dandruff. This is not medical advice but perhaps you could try using your own urine as a scalp treatment.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. duplika

        Thanks for your reply!

        I wished there was more content like yours, specially in other languages like spanish. Hopefully more free time ahead to be able to translate, or maybe collect some “easy howto make your own deodorant with bicarbonate and coconut fat” and localize it, linking to exact shops that sell the required products.

        Salt is a big one! I was aware of flat earth and new german medicine, but salt came out of surprise! I still remember when I was a child and elders explained salt was used as money before, that’s why it’s considered bad luck to drop it on the table. Then WTF happened in between that it’s considered harmful now?!?!

        Wonder you never stop learning on this plane. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts and experience, the best from Argentina.


      2. anounceofsaltperday Post author

        Bicarbonate of Soda is readily available from any supermarket and is quite inexpensive. Coconut fat/oil is also very easily found. Place a couple of tablespoons of coconut fat in a suitable jar held in a sink filled of warm water. The coconut fat will melt easily. stir in the the bicarbonate (Bicarbonato de soda) until there mix is like putty. When it cools it will be a mushy solid. This will become like putty again when held in your hands


  2. Dennis Nicholson

    read slowly
    Brilliant that was more fun than the last one! because it was the second time it happened. (for any first time readers, listen – purple is royal red and the first 5 headings, on this site, that I dove into, was like sky flying 120 miles an hour through the lightest cloud sunbeams) this is my second day and second comment. and here is how I felt after just 16 minutes.
    siting as an infant, skydiving once again into franks style of passing information. its humble gentle a master communicator and broadens the horizons of all who participate WHY WHAT WAS THAT WHAT IS THAT as topic you never knew were even topics.
    what the hay !
    these are relaxing pools of enjoyment

    Liked by 2 people

  3. dennis

    a reminder once mentioned Dr Pallock’s research on H302 where hydrophilic surfaces create a zone of supercharged ions, a collection of magnetized ions said to be negatively charged, a zone where more negative ions build, this applies to our universe and our heart (earth) as well we live in a two dimensional universe and scientist know where in-between the eye and the brain the 3rd di men sion is added.
    when what
    the 2 d universe is full of negative ions and more negative ions, and the more negative ions collected generated that coalesce a more positive the experience ( whole brain function) more negative ions are present the closer to a hydrophilic surface is represent. our Torus field has a flat center plan that is a hydrophilic surface that is greatly demonstrated by Dr Pallock and his students work. when he put a plan or a sphere of a hydrophilic surface in h2o/ in water, it showed the science behind how the firmament is generate, our 2d negative and more negative ions exist and its purification processes work, and when his students put in a hydrophilic tube he now demonstrates how the blood moves and is pumped through our bodies. The heart would have to be a million time the size to push all those blood cells through the capillaries. also for the first time is our recent history or herstory Dr Pallock’s work gives us the science behind how clouds form. also shown that infrared light increases the zone known as the Exclusion zone, because in that heavily rich negative ion charged magnetically electrical charged area pushes most undesirables to the extremities where there is said to be a positive charge.
    On a wellness note our bodies love we love waterfalls and sunsets gazzillions of negative ions power up and hold a grip on the joy stick of a body, pull back because whooooroooo its a world of a ride. Grounding has a measurable .2 when grounded and 2 to 4 when ungrounded and 7 to 9 when holding a cell phone and not grounded, literally to earth. even if you hold seven I phones and you have one foot one the dirt, you will read .2, your body channels the over charged flow straight to the ground by passing your body, becoming ungrounded it will jump to 7 8 or 9 which is way grater especially when the accumulative accumulates day after day.

    Off to New York see ya November 11 ( here is what really happened – the powers that b, if you will, announced the replacement of the two old ass twin tower, the city was clear, stages were constructed and all around the world they watched as an empty prepped city gave way to a fun, lets see if we can ( practice in a real city setting) and run several planes into them testing things, and hell who knows many other thing as the building became a game/ learning to see what we can do to them with as little damage to the surrounding environment and bam even the direct waves from an magnetic electric devices, where molecules are unbounded, we get to practice on how to take down cities that no longer serve us, with little collateral damage, no lives lost and quiet the contrary we grew learned and people thrived because of the 9 11 exercise (in the GlitterVerse view)
    It turns our view of the future into unity and prosperity as we now have tech that can simply build and dismantle any city in the world. that’s what really happened 9 11
    plus they unrolled the newest wave of magnetic electrical power grid, opened up the oil and gas as each human learn the new tech releases all requirements for “Fossil” fuels.
    well now what kind of world would we be in, well I will tell you one that takes us to 100 billion thriving with efficiency and social empathy and social entrepreneurship, the wave of the future

    Liked by 1 person

  4. NiciesMan

    I am intrigued by the idea of oil pulling. I looked it up and according to whoever edited the Wikipedia, it’s a pseudoscience. And some dental association (I think) said that there was no basis to it. What do you think is evidence that it is an effective dental practice?
    I am a supporter of so-called “alternative medicine,” which is just any medicine that’s not part of Science (capital S), e.g. big pharma. Calling it “alternative” already makes it sound like it’s inferior to “regular” medicine. People love to twist and contort langauge (“abortion,” trans pronoun agenda, “the Science” [capital S], etc).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. anounceofsaltperday Post author

      I think it is now fifteen years since I last brushed my teeth… in my opinion the most effective dental action I have ever taken, when combined with given up sugar and all wheat products. What does happen when one gives up brushing is a build up of scale… which is like egg shell. When I do the oil pulling, which is less frequently now, that scale softens and is easily removed by my fingernails. My wife has complained about my breath perhaps 3 times in the past 15 years, whereas she used to complain all the time about my halitosis in the early years of our marriage. I think halitosis results from poor digestion and poorly regulated acid/base balance which results from not enough salt. What are your thoughts?


      1. NiciesMan

        Thank you for your response.
        I think I’ll have to try doing oil pulling more seriously now.
        I hope God assists me in my health (he’s the only true Source of anything), and allows these physical things to be agents for his blessings.
        I’m also extremely grateful for your comments about salt; now I’ll be eating a ton of salt per day.
        God bless you


      2. anounceofsaltperday Post author

        My understanding that the only Jesus Christ approved prayer is that found in Luke 11 and Matthew 14. The word “believes” in the KJV comes from Greek words that translate directly as “behave as if what I say is true”. What I think is profound about this revelation is that one is not required to “believe” in the modern sense, but simply to say the prayer to “test the model”. I would really appreciate any feedback you have on this concept.


  5. NiciesMan

    Hello again.
    As I see you are wiser in topics of unorthodox wisdom of health, as a 14 year old who has been recommended by my dentist braces for my teeth, what do you make of that dental procedure (having braces on teeth)?
    It makes no sense to me, because mankind survived just fine for thousands of years without them, and God created man in wisdom.
    But.. I am told my teeth will get out of alignment.
    YHVH (not the Christian god) bless.


      1. NiciesMan

        Thank you for your very quick reply.
        I’ve heard of Dr. Lin before, but I never actually studied deeply at all.
        I’ll listen to it at some point.
        And may YHVH bless you for pointing me in the correct direction (and affirming the glory of God by pointing to a resource which goes against the modern, idolatrous — as in, making it look like humans can “improve” on God’s creation — dentistry).
        Also, what other significant (to health) advise, besides eating a lot of salt and oil pulling and such, do you have, if any?


  6. NiciesMan

    Also, about your previous reply:
    What exactly do you mean about the prayers in Luke 11 and Matthew 14?
    From what I have seen, and according to Jewish tradition and writings if all of these are to be believed, (as well as based on the early gnostic writings which I believe were watered down into the “new testament”) Jesus was born from a whore/prostitute (if I recall correctly) and may have been a black magician who performed dark rituals and taught that no-one has personal accountability to YHVH (that’s pretty much what the apostle Paul taught at least). See Rivka Levy’s article which talks about what I said (
    So I’m not so inclined to give much credence to Jesus’ teachings in the Christian Bible.


    1. anounceofsaltperday Post author

      In Luke 11 and Matthew 14 the disciples ask Jesus Christ how they should pray. He responds by telling them what is now considered to be “the Lord’s Prayer”. The key point that stand out to me about this prayer are that Jesus Christ tells us to pray to “The Father” (in my case I say “Our Creator”, he does not tell us to pray to Jesus, or to his mother Mary nor to St Barthomolew of the holy knuckle. He tells us to go straight to the top. According to the proponents of “Self Defined Hebrew”, YHVH should be pronounced “Yahavaha” and simply means Creator. The prayer also has these aspects which I think single it out as being elegant and powerful. Firstly it acknowledges that the Creator is in Heaven and tacitly that Heaven is a real place. It notes that the Creator’s name is sacred and venerated and not known. It notes that his kingdom is here and that his will shall be done on Earth, just as it is in Heaven. It asks that we get all we need from Creator on a day by day basis…. not second by second, week by week, month by month, year by year etc etc … but daily. We seek forgiveness of our debts and commit to forgive those that are indebted to us. We ask the Creator to stop Satan from tempting us to break his commandments and for his protection from Satan’s (Nakhash) direct attacks upon us. I can only give my personal testimony that from the moment I have adopted the practice of reciting this prayer, my personal life experience has been greatly improved.

      I think the content of the website that you linked is very valuable and I look forward to reading it more fully. At first read, practically everything written there resonates with me. The model that I work on is that Judaism was overtaken by Turkish Canaanites that adopted the Torah and then developed the Talmud etc. This group subverted Judaism. The same group (Sabbateans?) also took over the Christian Church.

      The key issue for all of us is whether or not the Messiah has come and given us redemption from the fall of Adam. Certainly the “legal” position is that he has. The current legal system is based on a 16th C papal bull that, in the absence of Jesus Christ, the Pope claims ownership over all souls (remember that a soul is the combination of a living body and the breathe of life…i.e the Creator breathed Spirit).

      This “legal” position is refuted simply by accepting that Christ still reigns and that his Kingdom is the Heavenly Jerusalem above and that we are ambassadors of Christ.


  7. NiciesMan

    Thank you for expounding what Jesus taught with that prayer. Good insights!
    I will have to learn from that, but with completely different wording.
    I’m glad you are interested in the article I linked.
    By the way, why do you believe what you said about Turkish Canaanites?


      1. NiciesMan

        Where have you seen these genetic analysises?
        I don’t believe it to be possible for an entire nation (or faux-nation, whatever) to believe that it or all of its ancestors experienced some epic and amazing event, if it didn’t actually happen.
        Jews (or these supposed “fake Jews”) have a tradition that they witnessed God speak at Sinai and that they wandered, with miracles, through the desert for 40 years.
        No fakers can convince everyone in their midst of such a lie.


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